What a memorable day at Floyd! Thank you to all who helped us experience the solar eclipse safely and the parents who joined in on the fun.

A project across grade levels had many Floyd students touring the Midland Landfill and Recycling Center this last week.

This last week at Floyd Elementary included maple syrup from Floyd trees with yummy pancakes, Cinderella as a guest reader, first grade readers enjoying a chapter book book club, Buddy Classrooms reading together, and 5th graders at Hartley. It was another full week of fun and learning.

Mrs. Diaz has some lucky 3rd graders graphing Lucky Charms cereal. 🌈☘️

Day 2 at Hartley is wrapping up for Floyd 5th graders. The kids enjoyed outdoor rec time with an evening game of Capture the Flag. Now it's showers, movie and a snack to wind down for bed and prepare for day 3.

A big thank you to our local Girl Scouts for choosing Floyd School for their service project. We appreciate your helpfulness and love that you are a part of our school family. We're lucky to have you!

What a full week at Floyd! We had sunny days with friends, the Book Fair, reading in tents, Creek Week, maple syrup projects, and the carnival. Lots of learning and fun! Thank you to all who helped to make it a success.

Floyd's Transitional Kindergarten students met with their CNC Naturalist to learn all about how different species of birds use their beaks to feed. They tried out a variety of tools to see which “beaks” work best.

Floyd third graders continue their week at the Chippewa Nature Center with lessons on Michigan history.

Mr. Wright and his fifth graders took the next step toward maple syrup by boiling sap today. Mmm...I see pancakes in their future!

Floyd 3rd graders had a beautiful start to their Creek Week at the Chippewa Nature Center.

Floyd Elementary is celebrating! One of our Battle of the Books teams earned a spot in the top 10 and will compete in the next battle at Grace A. Dow Library on Thursday. We're so proud of their hard work and dedication! Thank you to the parents and staff who support Battle of the Books season by reading books, writing questions, and cheering our readers on!

Did we miss you at Kindergarten Round Up last month? Let us help you get your Floyd School kindergartener enrolled for fall 2024. Give us a call!

How lucky are we to get to share our days at Floyd School with our school counselor, Mrs. Clark? We are so thankful for her guidance and care for us all! 🖤💛

Floyd Elementary is hosting Kindergarten Round Up on Wednesday evening from 6-7PM. If you have a kindergartener starting in the fall, join us!

Floyd Families: Don't forget about this opportunity to connect with other parents.
Email Mrs. Kristie Clark at clarkk@bcreek.org to reserve a seat, childcare, and dinner.

Floyd Kindergarteners made time for an outdoor writing lesson during our half day today. Students examined pictures of animal tracks and then wrote the name of the animal. We are so happy to finally have snow in our woods and students who want to be outside to learn!

Ms. Collison and her Floyd first graders started their Tuesday morning being thankful for each other, their family, and friends.

Floyd Kindergartners worked together to prepare a Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday. Students practiced table manners and passing serving bowls to their classmates as they enjoyed their "family style" meal together.

Floyd Kindergartners worked together to prepare a Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday. Students practiced table manners and passing serving bowls to their classmates as they enjoyed their "family style" meal together.