Floyd's Nature Kindergarten classes enjoyed the morning at Dow Gardens and Whiting Forest on Friday. Students had larger than life BUG encounters, climbed into the canopy, and explored the gardens. Such an amazing day for all!

Students in Mrs. McGuire’s class had the opportunity to explore Chippewa Nature Center’s Homestead Farm and interact with the different animals that live there. They learned about caring for the animals and what resources the animals provide for us. It was a great day on the farm!

Mr. Gusler’s class developed their journaling skills by creating a detailed description of a plant they chose. They swapped journal entries with a partner and tried to find each other’s plant based on what was written.

Floyd Elementary had the opportunity to host some local leaders from Leadership Midland. Thank you for visiting our Nature Program!

Juniors from BCHS teamed up to give the flower beds at Floyd a little TLC this morning. Some of these same folks were putting smiles on faces while volunteering at our carnival last night. We appreciate the time you've given us the last two days and LOVE when former students return with friends!

Thank you to our students, families, PTO, and staff for coming out tonight for Floyd's carnival. What a great evening! It felt so good to be together again!

Mrs. McGuire’s TK class loved their visit with Ms. Allie and a snake!

Mr. Ian, from Chippewa Nature Center, led Ms. Murdock’s 2nd grade students on a hike. They looked for living and non- living things and had some great discussions about the differences between the pond and vernal pools.

2nd grade students from BCEL visited Floyd Elementary today to explore the pond, woods, and vernal pools. The students demonstrated such flexibility when thunder moved us inside. With Mrs. Clarks guidance the 2nd grade students from each building met and got to know each other through some fun activities.

In addition to our typical nature times, some of our teachers across the district have been utilizing our nature spaces for literacy and math instruction. Pictures featured here are from Ms. Heider’s Y5’s class, Miss Pretzer’s Kindergarten class and Mrs. Korson’s 3rd grade class.

Grace Stern has been working with Mrs.Pretzer this year for the work-based learning portion of her Educational Careers class at Bullock Creek High School. Throughout this time, she has supported the behind the scenes portions of our nature program as well as worked directly with a variety of teachers and students. Last week, she planned a lesson for Ms. Pretzer’s kindergarten class that involved her peers.

The high school Educational Careers class spent time experiencing nature based education with a tour of the Floyd nature areas.

2nd grade students from Floyd enjoyed a field trip at Chippewa Nature Center last week. They investigated water and how it flows as well as the different states of water.

Last week, Floyd's 5th grade students attended Hartley Nature Camp!

We're looking to add two more people to our Floyd team! If you'd like to work with us but these two postings aren't a good fit for you, we're always working to grow our teacher and paraprofessional sub lists.

Mr. Wright and Ms. Schroeder’s 5th graders spent some time boiling maple sap into syrup at Floyd today.

Floyd 3rd grade has been so engaged in their learning!

Over the past couple of weeks, Floyd third graders have enjoyed getting outside to observe and compare plant and animal life cycles.

Mrs. Smith’s class went outside this week and explored thermal energy. They made predictions about temperature ranges and tested those predictions.

TK, Young 5’s and Kindergarten classes across the district have been busy identifying maple trees, tapping them, and collecting sap.