Can we get a WOOT, WOOT?! Today, BCMS Student Council showed their gratitude and appreciation for all of our staff members with a little Woot Woot Wagon of goodies. The student’s not only decorate and deliver snacks, but they also hand write individual thank you cards to each and every staff member in our building. We were also so very fortunate to partner with Journey’s Coffeehouse, who provided us with delicious coffee! We are THANKFUL for our wonderful Creek Community! 🖤💛

As grade level winners of the Annual BCMS Food Drive, the eighth grade students were rewarded with an extended lunch period! Students played sports, chatted with their friends, and simply enjoyed the additional lunch time with their peers and teachers. Congratulations to the eighth grade who brought in a TOTAL of 1,519 points, with Mrs. Brandt’s A.C. leading the way with 1,130 points! *More information regarding the impact of our annual food drive will be shared soon!*

Bullock Creek Middle School would like to thank everyone involved in making our Food Drive a success. Once again we've collected enough food and money to provide several families with a Thanksgiving meal this holiday season. A HUGE thank you to our student council who took the time to organize the food drive and a well-deserved CONGRATULATIONS to our 8th grade for collecting the most food!

Congratulation to Mark Habitz, 7th grade History teacher at Bullock Creek Middle School! Mark was nominated for the Mid-Michigan NOW Golden Apple Award. Let's support Mr. Habitz by voting for him each day! Voting will continue through the rest of November with the winning teacher announced in the beginning of December. Below is the link you can use to vote for Mr. Habtiz!

Student's in Mrs. Benson's 6th grade art class have been learning about one-point perspective for the last week. Today, the students are finally on their last worksheet before beginning their big project. The students split into two mini-classrooms and took turns teaching the class. They taught one another, helped one another, called on one another for questions...and laughed a lot while pretending to be me. Who says worksheets have to be boring?!

A great night for some BCMS volleyball against Birch Run!

Seventh Grade students working on their BadMinton Skills.

We can't hide our LANCER pride! BCMS is proud to support the Varsity football team by showing up in our BEST black & gold 🖤💛 GO CREEK!!!

6th grade students at BCMS using Newton’s 3rd Law to build vehicles that move with action reaction forces.

A great night of wrestling at BCMS! Our team showed strong as they wrestled against two different teams. Some even got their first victory tonight!

BCMS congratulates our Lancer Who Lead recipients for the month of October!
Adrienne Kern, Colton Baker, Sara Guest, Nash Moore, Jerry Haines, Sam Swift, Lillian Coyle and Jayden Keselring

Congratulations to the creative, scary, spooky and down right funny BCMS costume contest winners!

Step right up! Step right up! The the circus is in town! The BCMS staff wish everyone a safe and Happy Halloween!

A great night of fun, music and honoring Mrs. Bossenberger at the seventh and eighth grade middle school Halloween band concert. Our students "rocked" it and did a "spooktacular" job.

Hats off to all the BCMS students who participated in our FIRST hat day of the school year! We had great participation with many unique and fun hats! Our next hat day is THIS Friday, October 27th. The cost is $1.00 to wear your hat all day and all proceeds go directly to the BCMS Annual Food Drive.

Mrs. Eickhoff and Mrs. Gillean are proud to announce our 2023-2024 BCMS Student Council Representatives: Cassidy Linton (6), Harlow Fisher (6), Brantley Mickler (6), Greysen Teeter (6), Zander Yager (7), Ellie Gowing (7), Nev Weideman (7), Aislinn Morgan (7), Jerry Haines (7), Westin Wilkins (7), Sammy Skym (8), Madison Byce (8), Karly Poole (8) and Aaliyah Randall (8). These students received the support of both peers and staff as elected representatives of Bullock Creek Middle School. Congratulations!

BCMS sixth grade students has a big day in art class today printing their final radial symmetry prints! Students learned about radial balance, created their own Styrofoam printing plates and oil pastel backgrounds, had a day of printmaking practice last week, and culminated all their learning in our final print day today! Phew!! Way to go sixth graders, you rocked it!

On Thursday, October 5th, some of the BCMS Peer to Peer group met with other middle school and high school students around the county to celebrate this year's Kick-Off for our campaign. During the conference, members learned about mental health and illnesses, coping skills, and best practices for communicating with peers. This conference was a collaborative workshop that served as a planning session for students to discuss this year's topics. This year's topics will align with the Primary Assets: Positive Peers, Self-Esteem, and Sense of Purpose. The BCMS's Peer to Peer group is excited for this year's activities at the middle school.

BCMS is proud to announce our first Lancers who Lead recipients for the 2023-2024 school year. The students were nominated by teachers and staff for consistently demonstrating the traits of Leadership, Effort, Attitude and Dependability.
We congratulate these students! Sixth grade: Tucker Rhynard, Raegan Peters and Beau Hanson (not pictured). Seventh grade: Simeon Ludwig, Claire Andrews and Maci Reinke. Eighth grade: Bella Bredt, Hunter Swint and Jorja Holzinger.

Bullock Creek Middle School hosted a Curriculum Night in which parents could come into the school, meet their child's teacher and learn about the great things their students are doing and will continue to do throughout this school year.