kindergarten authors from Mrs. Southwell's class came down to share their narrative writing with me today!!! They had so many smart elements in their stories! Great job girls!!!
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
kindergarten writers
Ms. Heider's Young 5s class showing off their Veterans Day project!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Vet 1
vet 2
vet 3
vet 4
1st grade students at BCEL have been practicing their nature journaling skills. They are being assisted by Grace Stern, who is an Educational Career Student at BCHS.
over 2 years ago, Christina Pretzer
1st grade
1st grade
Mrs. Reid's Kindergarten class showing appreciation for our veterans! These are being delivered to the Saginaw VA Hospital. Don't forget tomorrow is Veterans Day!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Vet 1
Vet 2
Mrs. Lombard’s 1st grade class visiting the CNC!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
homestead 3
homestead 2
homestead 4
I got to eat lunch with one of our 2nd graders today!! He earned enough points to "buy" lunch with the principal!
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
lunch with Gavin
BCEL Halloween parade is still on at 2pm. An email was just sent out
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
BCEL in the Halloween spirit today! Cruella and her Dalmatians!!!
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
Marrow making an appearance at BCEL!!!!! We love you Ms.Dani!!!!
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
Happy Halloween
Ms. Heider's class is celebrating Halloween and the end of ABC boot camp with an alphaBAT party!! Ms. Heider decorated her classroom like a bat cave!!!!
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
bat cave
bat cave 2
Short cycle assessment bulletin boards have started to go up in our building! We use short cycle data to drive our instruction and monitor growth. Students love to see their progress!! This is Mrs. Bradley's young fives bulletin board. They are monitoring their growth with letters and sounds!
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
Mrs. Bradley's young fives
Short cycle #1
Little Lancers practicing word families outside! How creative!!
over 2 years ago, Beth Bredt
Word family Practice
Outside word families
Ms. Heider's Young 5's class enjoying a beautiful fall day!
over 2 years ago, Rochelle Bornemann
Ms. Heider's class having fun in the leaves!
Ms. Heider's class having fun in the leaves!
Mrs. Hedlund’s kindergarten class made leaf crowns! They also sorted leaves in many ways (color, size, shape).
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
h 1
A sloppy course couldn't stop the elementary cross country team at the Bay City Western Invitational.
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
CC 1
CC 2
CC 3
CC 4
Sarah Boothe’s 2nd grade class at BCEL has been learning about seed dispersal. They created models of seeds and tested out how they move.
over 2 years ago, Christina Pretzer
2nd grade BCEL
2nd grade
Our Kindergarten classes have been enjoying field trips to Chippewa Nature Center.They’re having fun and learning to classify living vs. non- living.
over 2 years ago, Christina Pretzer
kindergarten classes at CNC
kindergarten at CNC
2nd graders at BCEL earned extra nature time and worked on their pollinator garden.
over 2 years ago, Christina Pretzer
2nd graders BCEL
Fire and rescue trucks visit BCEL for fire prevention week!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Fire 2
Want to build a pollinator garden?!!! Yesterday at Bullock Creek Elementary our students got their hands dirty! Even our principal, Mrs. Bredt was in on the fun!
over 2 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
polination 1
pol 2
pol 3