BCHS Announcements

Hey Lancers - The Bible and Breakfast Club is meeting tomorrow morning at 7:20 in  Mrs. Sawicki's Room - 11D. Come and join us as we eat and study the Bible together. Hope to see you there!  

It’s that time of year again to hold the annual Food Drive to help local families. Items will be collected in your 6th hour class. NHS students will be collecting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 5th & Thursday, December 7th. The point system will be the following -

Toiletries = 5 points

Boxed food = 3 points

Canned food = 1 point

The class with the highest point average will win a PIZZA party! And YES - there will be prizes for 2nd & 3rd place!!

Attention Drama Club or those interested in joining - We will have a meeting on Monday, December 4th from 3 - 5 pm in Mr. Shields room (4E) to read over some scripts and discuss potential shows. Please see Mr. Shields if you have any questions.

Lunch Friday - Bosco sticks w/marinara cup, Baked Lays®, fruit & milk.