BCHS Announcements

The Class of 2023 Top Graduate photo will be taken today. Please meet at 2:20 in the foyer of the auditorium. 

Don't forget to bring a dollar tomorrow for Yummy Treat Wednesday.  

Hey Juniors, are you interested in receiving  a $180 thousand dollar scholarship? If you are considering a possible career in the military and would like to learn more about this opportunity, a representative from the U.S. Marines will be here on Thursday at 1:00 to talk with you. Please sign up in the Counseling Office if you would like to meet with him.

Listen up Lancers - It’s THAT time again!! Time to clean out your locker before we leave for Spring Break! Please use the yellow trash bins in the hallway to throw out papers, water bottles and garbage. You can leave your textbooks and binders. Remember - you also need to clean out your locker in the locker room COMPLETELY!! That means NOTHING should be left in your locker! Any items found will be thrown in the trash! This is your friendly reminder!

Lunch Wednesday - Chicken alfredo or spaghetti w/meat sauce, garlic knot, green beans, fruit choices & milk.