Floyd News and Notes: November 14th

Dear Families, 

As we plan for next week, I have some  things to share:

  • Midland County is sponsoring Kindness Week this week. Mrs. Clark, Ms. Alivia and five 5th graders have planned a week of kindness activities for the students. This week we look forward to Mix-it Up Day at lunch, kindness notes to our buddy classrooms, a trail hike to collect words and unscramble a kindness quote, and a day to play some games and mingle a bit with new friends. Watch for pictures on the BC webpage, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

  • PTO Change War continues this week.  Every bit counts! 

  • Parent-Teacher-Conferences are Monday and Wednesday this week. If you haven’t signed up for a conference, please contact your child’s teacher. We are happy to be able to offer in-person conferences for those who would like in-person. Other options are available if you prefer to conference from home. 

  • Are you a hockey fan? Floyd School was adopted by Applied Innovations and given a stack of tickets to share with families. If your family would like to go to a Saginaw Spirit game this year (here’s the schedule), let Ms. Amanda know and she’ll reserve tickets for you. 

  • We still  have a need for recess and lunch supervision subs. If you’re available from 11-1:30 and would like to help, please let me know. You’d be supervising with at least one other person and enjoying the company of some pretty amazing kids. 

Have a wonderful week!     

 Mrs. Moses