
It was wonderful to see so many students and families at last night’s open house! It’s a busy time of year with camping trips and sports, so the high attendance last night warmed the hearts of Floyd staff. Thank you!
A few reminders:

  • The Free and Reduced Lunch Forms are required from all families. Not per child, just per family. If you’ve sent yours to another Bullock Creek school already, that’s great—it will take care of what we need for Floyd. Lunch and breakfast is still free at Floyd. These forms are connected to our funding, not the meals. As we determine who has missing forms, we’ll send a copy home to you.
  • The school day is 8:40-3:40. Staff will open doors and greet students beginning at 8:40. Until then, please keep your child in your care. Students arriving between 8:40 and 8:55 are arriving on time. If arriving after 8:55, please walk your child into the office as the drop off door will no longer be open, staffed, or unlocked. 
  • The parking lot will be busy the first couple of weeks as new families and students get familiar with our process. It will smooth out and flow quite well after some practice. If you would like to avoid some of the traffic, I recommend not arriving at the 3:40 dismissal but closer to 3:46. That allows the first wave of cars to exit. 

We are so happy to have children back to school and to be able to come together again as a school family! Your child will be loved and cared for while in our care. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher as questions arise or if something doesn’t seem right. 
Wishing you well, 
Mrs. Moses