
Tomorrow is the one and only Bullock Creek High School home track meet. The track meet starts at 4:00 pm. Bullock Creek Middle School students can get into the track meet for free by showing their Student ID card.

8th-grade MStep testing continues tomorrow with the social studies portion. On Thursday and Friday, 8th-grade students will take the science portion. Students take the test during their scheduled class hour.

On Wednesday the 7th and 8th grade band students will go to Band Festival at Bay City Central. Students will leave the middle school at 8:45 am. 7th grade students will return to the middle school at 12:45 pm. 8th grade students will return to the middle school at 2:15 pm.

The Chippewa Nature Center has 20 spots open for teen volunteers who want to volunteer at the Chippewa Nature Center this summer. Each teen volunteer is paired with a staff member to help campers have a fantastic day.  This year we are continuing to offer three different teen volunteer positions, our traditional Counselor-In-Training (CITs), Activity Crew Member, and a leadership position for those who want the next level of experience, our Crew Leader.  All teen volunteers help their supervising counselor prepare for camp in the morning, engage campers in the activities, assist with crafts, read stories, play games, supervise lunchtime activities, and help clean up in the afternoon. This summer, we ask each Teen Volunteer to spend two weeks with us at camp. In return for their volunteer time, Teen Volunteers received a t-shirt, coaching on leadership and working with kids from their counselor, experience in a work-like (but fun) environment, and over 60 volunteer hours.  Please see Mrs. Fermoyle if you're interested.